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Panoramic View of San Jose

Mountain Serenity in San Jose del Pacifico

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San Jose del Pacifico is a small mountain town. Tucked away in the southern Mexican state of Oaxaca, it is only a couple of hours south of the city of Oaxaca. San Jose is the halfway point between Oaxaca and the Puerto Escondido on the Pacific Coast.

Many backpackers will make a short stop here in search of the local magic mushroom culture. However, it is the perfect place if you’re looking for a small remote mountain town that offers tranquility, fresh air, relaxation, and a deep connection with nature.

The town of San Jose del Pacifico is located at the high elevation of 2,500 meters (or 8,202 feet). This is something that most people will need to keep in mind if you’re used to living at sea level, it might make breathing the thin air more difficult.

Picturesque San Jose
Everything about San Jose del Pacifico is incredibly picturesque.

Please note that if you plan to make the trek up here, it’s important to remember that the nature of high elevation mountain roads. They curve back and forth for a majority of the journey and can cause some serious motion sickness. Luckily, I never found myself affected, as I grew up in the mountains. Also, note that there are no ATMs in San Jose del Pacifico. So, bring any money that’s needed. The closest ATM is over an hour away in Pochutla.

I came to spend about three days here, but ended up staying for two weeks. The tranquility and connection to nature was what I needed. I found total peace and was able to rest, relax, and recuperate energy for the journey ahead.

If you’re in search of peace and tranquility then this is the place! Most mornings here were clear and sunny with rain moving in for some showers around noon. During my two weeks I found myself stuck inside for only three of the 14 days!

San Jose’s sunsets are spectacular! I got to experience, what Andrew (the hostel manager) had exclaimed, was the best one he’d seen in the four years he’d lived here. The colors were so beautiful and vibrant that it’s difficult to describe the magic. The painted sky highlighted with tones of yellow and orange, with many shades of red splashed in. The colors faded to hints of violet splotched throughout the clouds. There were holes in these colors, allowing for little windows of different shades of blue as the sun got lower in the sky.

San Jose Sunset
The gorgeous sunset over San Jose del Pacifico.

During the sunset, there was a light rain in the higher elevations. As the sun’s rays penetrated the droplets, a complete rainbow formed above us. It was roughly 90 degrees to the left of the sunset. The scene looked like something from the movies. This was one of my top 5 sunsets I’ve been lucky to experience.

Everything about this little town was adorable! The locals are friendly and the food is immaculate. There are seven or eight restaurants to choose from and they’re all fantastic in their own right. I found the most notable was La Morenita (the little yellow building found in the center of town). Also, La Casa del Arbol (the little brown building at the end of the main strip, with a tree coming through the roof).

During my two weeks I explored a majority of the two restaurant’s menus. Each time, I was pleasantly surprised. Both of these spots had incredible hot chocolates, ringing true to the Oaxacan region. They were especially warming, and delightful, during the cold rainy afternoons and evenings.

High Season in San Jose!

Busy Season for San Jose del Pacifico is the rainy season and the opposite of just about any other tourism stop in Mexico. This is mostly thanks to the popularity of the Magic Mushrooms in the area.

The Mushrooms, considered sacred, integrated with the culture long ago. I’d read a lot that it is best to find a local shaman and sit in a traditional mushroom ceremony. But, the after speaking with the locals I discovered that the art of ceremony is no more. Unfortunately, backpackers have kept the practice flowing and it is possible to find a “Shaman” if one asks around enough. Yet, it’s unlikely for it to hold true to the ceremony being sought out.

Waning Sunset of San Jose
The final moments of sunlight during San Jose’s sunset.

If you were to arrive during the rainy season (June-September), you’d be able to find fresh mushrooms. Fresh ones are generally stronger, than those that have been dried. However, if you were to come through during the dry time, then there’s no need to fear, as you can buy preserved (or dried) mushrooms as well.

There is more to do here than get high on the famous magic mushrooms or infamous Oaxaca marijuana. If that’s what you’re in search of, then this would be the best place to partake, as the Marijuana is silly cheap.

I recommend to take a day trip and walk to the smaller village of San Mateo. It takes around 3 hours round trip to hike. This trek offers many panoramic views of the mountains and of San Jose del Pacifico.

After spending two weeks here, I found myself in a money shortage. As my funds dwindled, I tallied which day would be my last. When the day came, I was sad to go, but excited to take the next step on my journey through Mexico and Central America! Next stop, Puerto Escondido and the Pacific Coast!

Mountain San Jose del Pacifico
A breathtaking view of San Jose del Pacifico.

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